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Message from the CHAIR

                              a new year and a new chair

                                t’s the start  of  2018 and  I  hope everyone  had a   Curling – Now, being a hockey player, I never thought
                              Igreat  Christmas  and  New  Year  with  family  and   I would curl but it is surprisingly fun and the winners
                              friends. I know I did - a new addition to the Schell   buy the drinks afterwards. What a concept. Of course,
                              family,  my  five  month  old  granddaughter,  made  it   with all the sexual allegations in Hollywood recently,
                              extra special! Typically this is the time of year that I   the term “Hurry, Hard!” has been replaced with “Please
                              abstain from drinking. I usually last about one to two   Sweep!”
             RON SCHELL       months. Although, I once went 14 years…but then I   Sledding - If you like wind-chill, this is the sport for
        Schell Home Hardware   turned 15.                                 you.  -5  ambient  temperature;  -10  with  wind-chill
           Building Centre,      Congratulations to Greg Drouillard for this year’s   which  feels  like  -52  on  a  sled  at  140  km  per  hour
           Stouffville, ON    LBMAO  Industry  Achievement  Award.  I’ve  known   equals a grrreeaat time for all. Good thing there are
                              Greg for a long time; he’s very deserving of this award   drinks to warm you up when you get back. You need
                              and a hell of a nice guy. Way to go Greg!   them!
                                 Also, thanks to Ken Forbes from all LBMAO retailer   Car, Bike and now...Truck Rally  - Great fun  because
                              members, suppliers and LBMAO staff. It will be tough   you don’t have to do anything, just drive around, see
                              for  me  to  fill  his  shoes  -  because  he’s  still  wearing   some yards then head back to the beautiful resort. My
                              them... Don’t go far Ken, I need you!       cousin Steve and I took our ’47 truck in the last rally.
                                 Now  if  you  do  have  any  questions  regarding   Everyone asked “how fast did you get up to?” and I
                              the  LBMAO  or  anything  closely  related,  call  Dave   answered “45 miles per hour, 49 when I threw out my
                                        Campbell  at  905-625-1084;  but  if  you   wife’s luggage from the back.”
                     "...thanks to Ken   want  the  correct  answer  call  Joanne   Aside  from  Social  Events,  the  LBMAO  offers
                      Forbes from all   or  Carolyn  at  the  same  number.  If  you   courses  to  improve  your  business.  For  example,  I
                                        really want the wrong answer, call me at   attended a course on Succession and the one of the
                      LBMAO retailer    905-640-3440 and ask for Bob.     key  questions  asked  was  “Is  anyone  in  your  family
                           members,        I  started  writing  this  on  a  Monday   interested  in  your  business”  and  I  thought  for  a
                                        at  home  so  I  looked  for  a  copy  of  the   moment and then answered “Yeah, my wife is!”
                        suppliers and   LBMAO  Reporter  to  see  what  kind  of   Additionally,  there  is  another  course  on  Hiring
                     LBMAO staff.  It   script  I  would  need.  The  only  one  I   Future Employees, so when a guy comes up to you
                                        could find was the Nov/Dec 2004 issue.   asking if we are hiring you are to respond (according
                     will be tough for   All my other ones are in the washrooms   to the course) by replying “Yes, we are! I’ve got one
                  me to fill his shoes   at  Schell  Lumber  which  makes  great   sister not married.”
                                        reading material when going #2. I read   How to Treat Your Employees was another course
                   - because he's still   the  article  from  John  Carrey  when  he   I signed up for and the main thing I got from that
                                        was the chair. He wrote a good review on   excellent  course  was  to  “treat  your  employees  like
                      wearing them...   current events; so I thought ‘just change   family”. That’s easy for me because I hate my family!
                   Don't go far Ken, I   the  dates  and  names  as  no  one  would   Many other very informative sessions include lift
                                        remember  what  was  written  13  years   truck training and a WHMIS certified course - all very
                           need you!"   ago’...  But,  unfortunately,  John’s  article   important for your business and employees. Check
                                        wasn’t that good.                 into these at the LBMAO!
                                 You’ve got to go to the LBMAO social events; it’s   Please  help us  to  increase our  membership by
                              great fun to get away and mingle with your peers. Try   telling  your  peers  to  join;  we  all  need  the  LBMAO.
                              it, you’ll love it!                         From  liaising  with  the  government  to  friendships
                                                                          between  members,  it  brings  buying  groups  and
                              Here are some of the upcoming events:
                                                                          suppliers  together.  By  the  way,  we  have  some
                              Golf – There’s nothing better than a good game of   fabulous suppliers that support the LBMAO. The cost
                              golf  which  I’ve  never  experienced,  but  it’s  still  fun.   of membership is low but the gain is high!
                              Hunting for golf balls is a great way to network with   See you in the next issue.  I tried to be a little less
                              your peers. You can catch me on the course telling   serious but if you have any concerns or questions, I’m
                              jokes,  like  “What’s  the  difference  between  golf  and   here to help at 416-896-5204 or sales@schelllumber.
                              skydiving?”  “Golf  is  WACK…#^%$  while  skydiving  is   com.

        6  LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2018                                          
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